Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ferraro: the first woman running for vice-president

Political pundits have been debating whether Hillary Clinton will be asked by Barack Obama to run for vice president. If she is and she accepts, she would not be the first woman to run for vice president. That honor is held by Geraldine A. Ferraro.

If you're only in your twenties or thirties, you may not know who Geraldine Ferraro is. You would though if you listened to politics in the '70s and '80s. Like Hillary Clinton, she was elected as a congress woman (only this was back in 1978). She was asked by presidential candidate Walter Mondale to be on the ticket as vice president. Their opponents: Ronald Reagan for president and George Herbert Walker Bush for vice president. And everyone knows the outcome of that election.

Ferraro: My Story is her autobiography written with the help of Linda Bird Francke. It's found in the biography section under the Dewey call #973.927 FER.

By reading this book, you'll understand the impact she had on women in politics. This book, which was published in 1985, just a few years after her defeat for vice president. To bring you up to date on her life, she was the U.S. Embassador for Human Rights from 1993 to 1996 under President Bill Clinton.

Wouldn't it have been something if Hillary Clinton received the Democratic presidential nomination and she chose to have Geraldine Ferraro as her running mate?

c Waterloo Public Library 2008
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