Thursday, May 17, 2007

The subject of this book is as much fun to read as it is to chew!

What fun we had!

I have fond memories of the times when my sisters and I would have contests to see who could blow the biggest bubble with our gum. Our mother probably wouldn't agree, since she had to clean up the aftermath that exploded in our hair. I never won the contests - my sisters said I had too much hot air.

Did you ever smack your gum just to irritate your sisters? That activity got me into trouble with all my family - especially Dad. I was such a bratty brother when I was young.

Gum is still a favorite with kids.

This is the only book I've seen that deals with this favorite pastime. The Great American Chewing Gum Book by Robert Hendrickson gives the history of this delightful treat - from the first chewing gum of the early Greeks and Indians, to the wildly popular baseball cards that came with gum, to gum becoming healthy.

But don't worry - this isn't boring. The author talks about chewing gum in paintings and sculptures (a photo shows a solid gold wad of gum, complete with teeth marks) and fantastic bubble blowers.

This book is sure to bring back memories.

Just remember: If you're reading this book in bed while chewing gum, don't stick your gum on the bedpost when you get sleepy. It'll lose it's flavor (it's been proven).

You can find The Great American Chewing Gum Book on the second floor under the call number 641.3 HEN.

c Waterloo Public Library 2007

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