Friday, April 20, 2007

Want a Coke or a Pepsi?

Kristi, the teen librarian, smiled when she saw me. She thought it was humorous that I was carrying a can of (brand name deleted) pop and this book, The Cola Wars: The story of the global corporate battle between the Coca Cola company and PepsiCo, Inc. I'm not going to reveal the brand until I get the deal for a product endorsement. (Remember Reese's Pieces and E.T.?)

Many people are extremely loyal to one or the other brand. My family has a favorite: (Name deleted). However, some have strayed from the path, defecting to other brands - the horror!

One of my co-workers once became very distraught when the vending machine carrying her brand was not working. Feeling her pain, I rushed over to a convenience store, purchased a bottle, and presented it to her. All were happy. I can be nice to people sometimes.

Oh, I suppose I should talk a little about The Cola Wars. Coca-Cola had its beginnings in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia. Pepsi is a newer product, first sold in 1898. Since then, it's become extremely big business, with huge budgets devoted to advertising in an effort to create a new sensation out of an old product. That's all I'll say. But it's definitely worth reading.

Disclaimer: The book is serious. This article is not. The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the author or the library.

Now, excuse me while I stop typing. I need to finish my (brand name deleted) pop before it gets warm.

The Cola Wars is on the second floor of the library. The call number is 338.7 LOU.

c Waterloo Public Library 2007

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