Monday, June 15, 2009

Nailbiter by Sarah Graves

Nailbiter (2006) is a bittersweet story in many ways; Jake and Ellie are faced with the challenge of finding a missing girl after a man is found murdered in a rental house they co-own. At the same time, Jake notices that something is going on with Victor, her ex-husband, who is a surgeon. Victor moved to the island to be closer to their son Sam and opened a clinic; since then, Victor's skill has saved a number of residents and he has become a part of their lives again. Sam is getting older, still struggling with some of the problems of the past, but maturing.

As is the case so often, Jake and Ellie unravel the mystery only to learn that things are not always as they seem, and that applies to several of the characters in the book as well as some of the plot twists. Through it all, Jake and Ellie must rely on each other, and come to recognize the gifts of the strange young woman they rescue.

You can find Nailbiter on CD Books at the Waterloo Public Library.

c Waterloo Public Library 2008

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