Saturday, December 30, 2006

Do you know a sociopath?

The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout, Ph.D.

When I began this book, I didn’t have a very clear idea of what a sociopath was. The author explains that a sociopath is someone who operates completely without conscience; a sociopath is not biologically able to feel guilt, shame or empathy. This is a difficult concept for most of us to wrap our minds around.

Furthermore, the author cites statistics saying that roughly 4% of people are sociopaths.

That means that of every one hundred people that you know, 4 of them are sociopaths. Are there people in your life who routinely manipulate or sabotage you? Do they cry crocodile tears when you confront them with their bad behavior? Well, you may have just figured out who the sociopaths in your life are.

This book also offers 13 rules for dealing with them.

This book can be found on the 2nd Floor of the Waterloo Public Library, 616.8582 STO. It is also available as a CD Book, which can be found on the 1st Floor.

c Waterloo Public Library 2006

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